Property Intelligence

Property Intelligence for Residential Sales, Residential Rentals & Commercial Properties.

Having the right information to hand can make the difference between making a great decision and a terrible mistake. With ABC you can have the confidence to move ahead in sales or lettings.

With 40 years of experience and thousands of previous valuations to draw upon, A Barton Company can provide you with a quick and accurate market appraisal, giving you the information you need to make informed decisions.

Because we insure Fee Transparency, you will always know the costs of your Valuations, Reports or Assessments upfront, with no nasty surprises - and with a Free, No Obligation Market Appraisal for both Sales and Lettings, what are you waiting for?

Free Residential Property Valuation

We offer a Free, No Obligation Market Appraisal service for all residential sales and lettings. If you are considering selling or letting your property, ask us for our advice, free of charge, to help you make your decision.

If you require a written valuation for legal or other reasons, we can provide a suitably detailed report to suit your needs, knowing the fees and charges involved at every stage. We can supply everything from a simple written valuation to a comprehensive report detailing issues in the property and potential costs and remedies.

Free Residential Property Valuation

Commercial and Non-Domestic Valuation

If your lettings portfolio needs to be updated, rentals reappraised, or rent reviews negotiated, our dedicated Rental Centre has both the experience and knowledge to give accurate and reliable appraisals for most market conditions.

Commercial and Non-Domestic Valuation

Property Certification

If you require in-depth inspections for particular aspects of a property, ABC can provide that too. With set fee inspections for Gas and Electrical Safety, Energy Performance Certification and Fire Safety, you can insure your investment is in safe hands, while knowing any costs that are being incurred. We use established tradesmen in a variety of fields, with appropriate memberships and certifications, to give you the confidence of knowing what you need to know.

Property Certification

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